Thursday, October 9, 2008

No Longer a Virgin

I have blogged and I have loved it. And I have shamelessly poured over, nay coveted other people's blogs and devoured page upon page of their life. But I stopped blogging because few people read it, few people cared, and I am a comment whore. Yes, I love comments. Where is the satisfaction if no one else is reading it?

But here I am creating a blog because:
  1. I have a MA in writing but hardly ever write unless it involves Diabetes or curd-like vaginal discharge or something equally disgusting or geriatric or medical-ish. (Like my vocabulary? I paid nearly $80K for this stellar writing style)
  2. I miss writing. I miss recording my life in a place where everyone can see it and know what I'm doing and - hell - even perhaps care.
  3. I need an outlet.
So the purpose of this blog you may ask? Well, dear reader, it is to take the time, to breath, and to remember that there are reasons to be happy. Millions of tiny, stupid, inconsequential things that in a given day we are grateful for, happy about, or laugh over. So here goes. One more thing to add to my list of things to do, one more thing to be happy about, one more way to remember it.

Gratefulness* recording begins tomorrow.

*note: I do not endorse the use of my made-up words in any way but I reserve the right to use them because dammit my MA in writing means SOMETHING.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


another blogger.....
