I need coffee to live. It is not an option, it is a requirement. Without coffee the fluid in my veins that is supposed to be blood but is really caffeine will shrivel up and my eyes will sink back in my head and my throat will cease working and I will DIE. And if I haven't had coffee I am non-verbal (ask my mom.. not kidding). So today, I begin being grateful for the little things by being thrilled to have the following item in my life:
Fat Free Half&Half

I assume you're either laughing at me right now or your cursor is hovering over that funny little red-x ready to close my blog forever not to return. But just get this: you want to lose weight but you love chocolate and sweets and those guys named Ben and Jerry for creating all sorts of cold creamy goodness which can only be consumed by the pint (because any less is a sin for which the gods will smite you I SWEAR) and imagine you hate Splenda because it ruins your Don Francisco Vanilla Nut coffee by adding a horrible after taste (and you just cannot stand for that!!!) so you need to find other options and *cue angels from on high* you discover that Fat Free Half&Half tastes exactly the same! And saves CALORIES! Isn't that AMAZING?!
So as I sit at my desk today eating my Rasberry White Chocolate scones, just remember: I'm drinking DIET COFFEE. I'm allowed my scones. Dammit.
*Who said it couldn't be the mundane things in life that make us happy?
So as I sit at my desk today eating my Rasberry White Chocolate scones, just remember: I'm drinking DIET COFFEE. I'm allowed my scones. Dammit.
*Who said it couldn't be the mundane things in life that make us happy?
Diet Coffee (via fat free half&half) is wonderful. Diet Tea (via "sugar free honey" is NOT.
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